August 2018
Far North Qld
The Nullinga Dam and Mareeba Dimbulah Water Supply Scheme Improvements Project was proposed as a future water supply to serve growing agricultural demand in Mareeba and surrounding areas as well as future urban demand in Cairns. The project was designed to stimulate irrigated agriculture in the region by supplementing existing supplies from Tinaroo Falls Dam and utilise the existing Mareeba-Dimbulah Water Supply Scheme.
Bellwether was engaged to provide cost estimation services as part of a larger engineering, environmental and hydrology assessment to support the development of the Detailed Business Case (led by Building Queensland) for the Nullinga Dam.
Bellwether delivered high-level cost estimates for five preliminary design options for the future Nullinga Dam Project. This included a thorough review of job costs, a statistical analysis of risks using Montecarlo simulation and a thorough review of the construction program and staging.
Bellwether’s estimate enabled the client to develop a Detailed Business Case for Nullinga Dam to take to the Queensland and Commonwealth Governments for consideration. The business case recommended further analyzing improvements to the existing water supply scheme and, if a satisfactory level of demand was met, to further investigate the construction of Nullinga Dam.